Monday, February 9, 2015

Home : Blogs : Joe Laviola : Delray Beach Florida Real Estate
Professional Teacher Artist Realtor
I have mentioned before I consider myself and I am sure all Realtors would called them self's Professionals.
As a professional I go to work everyday ready and dressed for business. I prepare myself to meet new and old clients whether they come into the office. or out of the office for a meeting. I am prepared to close a sale on a new home, get a listing agreement, get an offer on a new home for one of my clients.I am ready as a professional real estate agent doing something I love to do help clients and friends with all there real estate needs. And sometimes just being there to talk with them. My door is always opened. And everyday I show up ready to go.
I also consider myself an Artist. Being a restaurant owner and Chef I was always using my imagination to create a new dish for my menu. A dish that would make your taste buds explode and you craving more.So think about this. Have you ever looked at yourself as an artist. Think about this. You first make contact with you clients who are looking for a new home . They tell you what they are looking for, bedrooms, bathrooms, price range, pool, ocean view, condo, single family home. You go to you canvas, to us its the flat screen monitor, you search the MLS for what your clients have told you they wanted in a new home. You the artist, you are picking out your paints, your colors, the homes show your clients. You go out with your clients in search for that masterpiece, the home of there dreams. As you go from one home to another picking out the best features of each home you see, its like you are putting the beautiful colors to your canvas. Once you have found this perfect home for them and you are sitting at the closing table, all you have to do is sign your masterpiece. You the Artist. Maybe crazy, but its fun.
Now the Teacher. You have to educate your clients about this crazy market we have in this country today. Unlike anything I and I am sure most Realtors have ever seen before, with all the homes on the market, the short sales, the bank owned properties. We are selling in a different world. You as a teacher have to help them in making the right decisions, When you are showing homes you need to explain what is happening in the market today. The good, the bad and the ugly. I have seen in the last few months and for this time of the year here in Florida we have had an increase in buyers looking for great deals. Unaware of some of the problems with especially short sales, the length of time it could take and not get the approval of the sale because the offer is to low. People have the misconception that every home owner whose house in on the market is desperate to sell. Its not that way in most cases.
If I have a client and I have had, I do my best to tell them the right and wrong way to buy a house. I have to be the Teacher. I just hope they listen.

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